AMA Sigil Necklace Rituals

made to order
Making Magick with Sigils
Sigils are ancient codes of magic: an intention distilled down to a few letters, and distilled again into a symbol. Here is how to make your sigil necklace magickal:
Sit comfortably, preferably in the night air, and take a quiet moment. Take three, long deep breaths (deep into your belly).
Light one end of the piece of Paolo Santo wood (also included) and as it smolders, use it as a wand to clear your energy from head to tow, front to back, and over your AMA Sigil Necklace.
As it smokes around you, give gratitude to your guardian angels and ancestors and ask them to guide you to your hearts desire.
Then, write your intention on the piece of wish paper (included) "I am" is a great beginning.
Crinkle up the wish paper into a ball. Un-crinkle it flat again, and wrap it around your finger, twisting the paper on the end of your fingertip.
Pull it off and set it up on its end like a candle. Place your AMA Sigil Necklace next to it.
Light the twisted "wick" of the paper on fire and watch your wish float up to the night sky.
As it does, say "...And so it is"
Now your Sigil Necklace is charged with your intention.
A sigil projects your intention directly into your subconscious, which creates your reality. The most direct way to communicate with your subconscious is to turn off the conscious mind. There are a few ways to do this:
run to the point of exhaustion
spin until your dizzy
orgasm (our personal favorite)​
When you get to this point, stare at the sigil with a blank mind for as long as you desire. Put your sigil around your neck and forget it ever happened. (This is really important- You must forget about it after you charge it.)